August 19, 2007

PR professionals: The Talent crunch

As we know that Public Relations is as an important and vital communication tool. In my opinion, the Public Relations as an industry, is facing major problem of scarce talent pool of trained professional.

Most of the aspiring yougsters entering the PR profession have the perception that they are fit for the profession because "...I love meeting and interacting with people" .

People are pouring into this profession with different backgrounds, which I consider healthy for the industry, but are we really moving in the right direction? There are not many institutes, which may train and create quality resourse pool for Public Relations.

This may be the issue which we as PR professionals would like to address, so that more aspiring young talent can be attracted to join the industry.

Together, we need to create and promote talent pool of mature, experienced and seasoned PR professionals so that Indian PR Industry can make its mark in the global PR Industry.

Incase, we fail to address the problem at this stage, there will be tough times ahead for PR as an industry in this country!

1 comment:

Binayak said...

Absolutely. More so when PR now in India is more of a one man show rather than driven by agencies. Agencies should develop better systems and processes so that the media relations should be driven by the agency rather than individuals. The media contacts should be shared so that neither the client nor the agency depends only one person for their media relations. Once the agency is strenthened talent would automatically come. Eg: HLL doesn't have to seek talent but provides a platform which enables people to learn and grow. maybe such practices can be followed by PR Agencies.